AIDB has launched a project in Quetta, Balochistan with the financial support of NED to raise public awareness and strengthen transparency and accountability laws. The main concern is about ROBs awareness and establishment of a commission for RTI, as well as the submission of applications in different departments with the help of PAF members.



Objectives of these public awareness sessions are very much clear that to create awareness among multi stakeholders as well as among public on importance of Right to Information and its benefits. For that during this reporting period, two Public Awareness sessions carried out.


The best source of information in the contemporary world is television, which became necessity. With the funding assistance of NED, AIDB broadcast RTI awareness in Pashto and Brahe. The RTI law overview, requirements, significance, and formation of ROBs were all emphasize in the live TV program. The comparison of RTI bills of different provinces discussed.


One of the most widely used regional languages in Balochistan is Brahe. In addition to educating viewers about the RTI law, Mir Behram Khan (M&E Officer), Ms. Anum Malik Mengal (Advocacy Officer) and host Muhammad Saleem briefly discussed about RTI law. Furthermore, they talk about the challenges associated with forming commission and implementing law. During the 45-minute broadcast, participants also made live calls, and Mir Behram Khan along with Ms. Anum Malik Mengal addressed their queries.


AID Balochistan designed a short film and video documentary competition with aim to spread awareness related RTI law. In addition, to give a platform for the local artist to show cases their talent. Advertisement designed by the media team and displayed at all social media platforms. Therefore, a number of people can participate in the competition. All the participants requested to first register themselves and later send their masterpieces with in the deadline. The AID Balochistan continuously answered the quires raised from participants during the process. The jury for competition selected very carefully. So that participates should be satisfied from their results. The participants invited for screening event and they requested to bring their beloved one with them for screening. The preparation performed with great zeal for the video documentary competition.

Exposure Visit RTI Commission Punjab( Lahore):

AID Balochistan made the decision to go and learn from the Punjab RTI panel. The primary goal was to get inspiration from them for the creation of the RTI Commission in Balochistan. Whereas, to check implementation of the law too.




Advocacy and Consultation meetings Objectives ensures closely coordination with important stakeholders in order to mobilize them in support of the creation of the Right to Information Balochistan commission and the guaranteeing of the law’s execution. Five meetings conducted with the following members during the reporting period

Ms. Mahjabeen Sheran :

Ms. Mahjabeen Sheran attended a meeting to discuss the implementation of the RTI ACT and ROBS. She pledged her support for raising knowledge of RTI and assured her participation in the commission’s creation.

WATAN YAR KHILJI (EVAW/G Alliance Balochistan):

EVAW/G Alliance Balochistan is a large network with 30 members and access to regional groups. Members of AID Balochistan met with the chairperson to inform him about the RTI Law and ask for his assistance in spreading its knowledge.

TANVEER BALOCH (Deputy Director Education):

Mr. Tanveer Baloch discussed the 2021 RTI bill, ROBS, and its execution in light of reactions and student opinion. Discussions focused on the effects of creating an RTI commission versus its actual execution, and Mr. Baloch made sure the Act supported general awareness.


Mir Jabbar Baloch discussed practical concerns with respect to the application of the law, the execution process, and Balochistan’s political instability. Mr. Behram Khan agreed and made efforts to promote RTI awareness and committee formation.


A consultancy meeting was held with Mr. Azmat Ullah Achakzai (high court lawyer) and Mr. Abdul Jabbar (session and district court judge). They discussed the implementation of RTI law, explained the procedure of implementation, and shared their struggles related to RTI. Mr. Bheram Khan explained the RTI ROBS drafted by AID Balochistan and handed over to the government of Balochistan. The young and energetic lawyers assured their support for RTI commission and implementation.


This project “Advocacy Campaign for right to information in Balochistan” with the objective to raise public awareness about the right to information and strengthen advocacy for stronger transparency and accountability laws at the provincial level will build upon previous work. In 2019-20, AIDB shifted the programmatic focus to creating an enabling environment for public accountability across the province by raising public awareness and advocating for legislation on right-to information (RTI). Considering above agenda The Association for Integrated Development Balochistan (AIDB) with the financial support of The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has conducted various advocacy activities in Quetta Balochistan with Stakeholders to share project objectives and create discussion around public awareness about the right to information and strengthen advocacy for stronger transparency and accountability laws in Balochistan.

Project Launching Ceremony:

Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] conduct Opening ceremony on August 30th, 2019 in Balochistan Boys Scout Association. Project Launching Ceremony was celebrated with the participation representing all stakeholders for Right to information. Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] representatives shared project objectives and planned activities to Well-known dignities of Balochistan with the objective to get support for successful implementation of advocacy activities to help Promulgation of Right to Information Balochistan Bill.

Monthly Public Accountability Forum [PAF] Meetings:

Public Accountability Forum (PAF) meetings are essential for the implementation of projects. 12 meetings were conducted successfully, helping AIDB to raise awareness and strengthen the Right to Information Laws in Balochistan. The Pandemic of COVID 19 has had a major impact on AIDB’s planning.

Training of Trainers Workshop [TOT]:

Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] organized two days training of Trainers on Sep 12 and 13, 2019. Training of Trainers (TOT) was conducted with the Public Accountability Forum Members. Training was consisting of Presentations, which was delivered by 5 Trainers. Mir Behram Khan Lehri (M&E Officer) facilitated the Trainers. Well known dignities have shared their point of view on Right to information laws in Country and Balochistan. Further participants were also involved in discussion, which was fruitful for identifying recommendations and suggestion for improving the Balochistan Freedom of Information act and showed keen interest for its planning.

Academic Debate Competitions:

Academic debate competitions were conducted to involve youth and educate them on the importance of Right to Information laws in Pakistan and Balochistan. 03 were conducted with normal conditions, while the last one was difficult due to COVID 19. Judges marked speeches and shields and souvenirs were distributed.

Street theaters:

The Association for Integrated Development Balochistan (AIDB) selected a professional street theater group “Global Wondering Arts” to perform on Right to Information in Quetta, with the financial support of NED. Four performances were conducted during the reporting period, which were appreciated by the audience.

Multi Stakeholder Workshops:

AIDB held two Multi Stakeholder workshops to promote the Right to Information Balochistan Bill, which is weak in Balochistan due to other provincial Governments having strong laws.

Some of the participants shared that there will need to be more departmental-level training workshops which will have to be conducted by the officers who have attended this workshop. There will also need to be district-level seminars wherein the public can be oriented and sensitized to the RTI Act.

All Party Conference:

Since COVID-19 in Pakistan, everything was disturbed, our activities were stopped and puzzled to move again. Initial 02 Months were very critical having lots of ambiguity and fear, however slowly things started settling down, so we started working and completed our activities in June, our Major activity “All Party Conference” conducted on 16th June 2020. Almost all major Political Parties Participated and showed solidarity with AID Balochistan and spoke freely on Right to Information laws in Pakistan and Issues over promulgation of Right to Information Balochistan Bill.

Representatives of All Political parties unanimously agreed for supporting AID Balochistan objective for promulgation of Right to Information Balochistan Bill and once Bill tabled in Balochistan Assembly they will favor it and presently will pressures Government for passing the bill from Provincial Cabinet.

In 2020-2021, AIDB shifted the programmatic focus to creating an enabling environment for public accountability across the province by raising public awareness and advocating for legislation on right-to information (RTI).

Project Objectives

The objectives of the project :

  •   To resizing the PAF (Public Accountability Forum) by adding the members Baluchistan bar association key members and media representative.
  • To strengthening the role of PAF (Public Accountability Forum) in awareness rising and advocacy for RTI Law adoption in Balochistan
  • To rising awareness with 200 activist of Civil Society Organizations, Media, local bodies representatives or Associations, Academia of Quetta District on the importance of TRI law in Baluchistan.
  • Liaison meetings and conducting policy dialogues, consultation workshops and meetings, signing of commitment letters with legislatives and relevant stake holder (Minister of information, secretory information, and Minister Law and Secretory law, Provincial Ombudsmen etc.)


Monthly Public Accountability Forum [PAF] Meetings:

PAF meetings are essential for successful implementation of projects, and 05 meetings were conducted to raise awareness and strengthen the Right to Information Laws in Balochistan.


Signature Campaign:

Signature Campaign was used to show solidarity with AID Balochistan and raise voice for the Right to Information Balochistan Bill. Participants from different schools of thought were voluntarily involved to promote transparency and just society.


Training of Trainers Workshop [TOT]:

AIDB organized two days training of Trainers, with the Public Accountability Forum Members consisting of presentations and discussion, to improve the Balochistan Freedom of Information Act.



Street Theaters:

Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] believes empowerment of grass root communities, for that street theaters are most effective tool of advocacy to aware masses, hence the street theater is a much direct and brief and concise expressions, our objective is to convey message on importance of Right to Information for any development and prosperous society and community.

For delivering this important task Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] selected one professional group of street performers through competitive process.

Concept of Street theater is recognized in Balochistan; various groups started contribution on social issues, in this regard The Association for Integrated Development Balochistan (AIDB) with the financial support of The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has assign task to one of Professional Street theater Group “Global Wondering Arts” to perform on Right to information.

During this reporting period 02 Street theater performances were conducted on various places of Quetta successfully, where audience appreciated the efforts of Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB]

Awareness Sessions:

05 awareness sessions were conducted throughout the year these awareness sessions were with various stakeholders from civil society, religious, women, minorities, Youth, Government officials, Children, Lawyers, tribal leaders, and PWD’s members.

Awareness sessions were conducted to raise voice and mobilize stakeholders to launch applications in public interest to Government departments.


“Strengthening Public Awareness and Implementation of Right to Information in Balochistan.”   Its main objective was to raise public awareness about the right to information and its ROBs. It will strengthen public’s knowledge for stronger transparency and accountability of RTI law at the provincial level upon previous work.

AIDB  shifted the programmatic focus to creating an enabling environment for public accountability across the province by raising public awareness for implementation to legislation on right-to-information (RTI). Considering above agenda The Association for Integrated Development Balochistan (AIDB) with the financial support of The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has launched project in Quetta, Balochistan with Stakeholders to share project objectives, create discussion around public awareness about the right to information, and strengthen its implementation for stronger transparency and accountability laws in Balochistan. Moreover, the main concern of AIDB in this project was about ROBs awareness and establishment of commission for RTI. The AIDB also focus on the submission of applications in different department regarding information with the help of PAF members.

Association for Integrated Development (AID Balochistan) in partnership with National Endowment for Democracy (NED) initiated a project “Strengthening and Engaging Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Public Sector Accountability” in Loralai District The main objectives of the project are to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and enable them to conduct and engaged in accountability of public sector organizations/ institutes in Loralai district

The project interventions were mainly designed keeping in view capacity building of civil society organizations, mapping and needs assessment of local CSOs, formation of  “Public Accountability Forum” organizational development, public accountability mechanisms, data collection and advocacy skills


Major Accomplishment of this Project:

Mapping, Assessment & Strengthening of SCOs:

conducted a survey of local civil society organizations in Loralai to select 15 potential organizations for capacity building trainings. They prepared a training manual on organizational development, structure and procedures, role of civil society, information collection, situational analysis, budget monitoring & tracking, right-to-information laws, media strategy, monitoring and evaluation techniques, advocacy skills, reporting and proposal development.


Formulation of Public Accountability forum:

AID Balochistan formulated PAF forum for 30 participants of Loralai district, with the help of this forum, all CSOs will able to link with each other and actively working on public sector Accountability with the line departments, local government representatives, civil society, media and stakeholders in Loralai. AID Baluchistan is currently running the secretariat of PAF.


AID Baluchistan requested concepts notes from PAF partners organizations to monitor public sector projects, evaluate completed projects, analyze policies, track performance, and implement laws and policies related to development and public services.

PAF approved concept notes, launched public accountability campaign, completed activities successfully, and shared findings, gaps, flaws and information in coordination meetings.

Chief Minister Policy Reforms Unit (CMPRU): continuously participation of CMPRU with AID Baluchistan in Public Accountability forum activities in throughout project.

Monitoring: AID Baluchistan with the support of PAF members conducted several monitoring visits of CSOs during their field activity and provided guidelines and support.

Overall impact on the project objectives:

  • The outmost impact of the project is that the project provided a space/ platform and encouraged civil society to discussed public accountability as an issue because it was a new concept for the people of the Loralai district. The project strengthened the capacity of civil society organizations on public sector accountability.
  • Coordination mechanism has developed among civil society organizations on public accountability through Public accountability forum.
  • The project improved the organizational development of CSOs and ensured transparency and accountability within organizations. Enabled grass root level civil society organizations to developed proposals/concept paper, launched field activity, collect data and analyses it, prepared reports. It was an opportunity for CSOs to nourish their innovative ideas, provide the tools, techniques, knowledge, skills, methodologies, strategies and information on public accountability mechanism and its importance.
  • engagement of civil society organization on public accountability, the civil society organizations initiated public sector accountability programs, public sector accountability programs take significant role within their thematic areas, new ideas in local context developed for public accountability, initiated public accountability projects within the target area, civil society contributing for public accountability, linkages and coordination developed among state departments and civil society organization.
  • During implementation phase community stakeholder, teachers, health practitioners, community and political leader were aware about public accountability.
  • Coordination with policy maker, government officials, elected representatives and political leader strengthened and improved.
  • CSOs committed that they will consider public accountability as cross cutting them in their programs.
  • Project is a wakeup call for state institutions to ensure transparency and accountability mechanism, increased public accountability systems within line departments, improved public sector accountability in district Loralai, Increasing transparency in state departments, decreasing corruption in government and its departments. Elected representatives, legislatures and local government elected representatives take concrete steps for formulation of policies, removing gaps, finding and flaws of policies drafts and policy reforms.
  • Chief Minister Policy Reforms Unit (CMPRU) is recognized unit working on institutional strengthening of government institutions by bringing policy reforms. The project has a great impact that CMPRU was onboard by PAF members and requested to proposed policies to ensure accountability & transparency in public sector organizations.



                                          CHIEF PATRON MUHAMMAD TALHA MAHMOOD

Senator Mohammad Talha Mahmood is the founder and Patron of AID Balochistan. Mohammad Talha Mahmood is a very dedicated person he carried out extensive relief work in the remote areas of Balochistan along with the President of Aid Dr. Ishaq Baloch in the area of District Kharan, District Chaghi, and District Kech.
Apart from relief activities have been done by the AID. The AID Balochistan Conducted Series of conferences regarding the economic, social, and federal issues between the federation and federating units.
One of the famous conferences was organized the bye AID Balochistan in 2004 which was presided by Chief Patron Senator Talha Mahmood the conference was attended by Senator Murshid Hassan, Chief Minister Jam Muhammad Yousaf, Former Chief Minister Abdul Malik Baloch, Senator Shahid Bugti Senator late Habib Jalib, MPA Ruqia Saeed Hashmi The topic was Bridging the Gap how to reduce the issues that prevail between the federation and federating unit in Balochistan under the Constitution and the rights given to Balochistan.

Association for Integrated Development (AID) Baluchistan has successfully implemented a project titled” Strengthening and Engaging Civil Society Organizations in Public Sector Accountability” with financial support of National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Quetta district, Baluchistan.

Mapping, Assessment & Strengthening of CSOs:

AID Balochistan identified 10 potential organizations to partner with Public Accountability Forum.

Capacity Building of CSOs:

AID has organized capacity building trainings for 10 selected CSOs to address gaps identified during assessment, including organizational development, structure and procedures, role of civil society, information collection, situational analysis, budget monitoring, right-to-information laws, media strategy, monitoring and evaluation techniques, advocacy skills, reporting and proposal development.

  • 2 (4 days) training of trainers (TOT) and 2 members of each PAF member CSO attended TOT training. AID Baluchistan has arranged
  • (4 days) replication training and trained 2 members of each CSO. Trained 20 (2 representatives of each member CSOs) as master trainer and enable them to train other member of the respective 20 CSOs.

Public Accountability forum:

PAF is working with line departments, elected representatives, legislatures, local government representatives, civil society, media and stakeholders to improve public sector accountability in Quetta Baluchistan.

Quarterly coordination meeting:

Quarterly coordination meetings are held to review progress and plan for future agenda, share field observations, suggest improvements, evaluate and advocate, track policy changes, and follow up with stakeholders.

Dr. Mohammad Ishaq Baloch President
Nasir Mehmood Senior Vice President
Rahim Khan Vice President
Maryem Kaker General Secretary
Shabana Khan Finance secretary
Waheed Ahmed Joint secretary
Atta-ullah Badini Information Secretary