AID Balochistan envisions “A healthy, educated, empowered and prosperous Balochistan where every human being has easy access to social justice, equity, equality, resources and services without any discrimination of cast, creed and religion.

AID Balochistan is committed to achieve its vision through actions by intervening in the fields of but not limited to child welfare, women welfare, health n hygiene, education, emergency & relief, awareness raising, peace & tolerance, social research, and capacity building particularly with the most vulnerable and marginalized population through active participation of communities ensuring sustainable development through human friendly programs.

1.Resource mobilization for provision of social services in the field of health, education and natural resource management to the deprived communities;<br />2.Promotion of human rights especially( Minorities, women and children rights) through pro-active participation in human rights activities/programs;<br />3.Facilitate and encourage target communities to initiate the process of local resource mobilization for income generating activities for self-sufficiency. <br />4.Foster and support activities for integrated; self-reliant and long term development to benefit the disadvantaged (women, children, minorities, laborers etc.) in particular and the whole society in general.<br />5.Mobilize and organize the local communities to empower them take initiatives for their equal and active participation in the development process.<br />6.Promote sustainable livelihood; community based natural resource management and disaster management. <br />7.Promote mutual understanding and integrated efforts through workshops, seminars, dialogues and cornered meetings at gross root level for the promotion of human rights and values.<br />8.Socio- economic uplift of the population through resource management, peoples’ participation and effective partnership with Governmental and Non- Governmental Organizations working in the area.<br />9.Promote and access to quality formal and non-formal education with special focus on women –folk. <br />10.Improve health and hygiene situation. <br />11.Contribution to Institutional Reforms & Good Governance initiatives at grassroots level.<br />

Our Core Values:
Knowledge and skill sharing with other organizations; Supremacy of organization interest; Coordination; Commitment; Transparency; Trust; and Democratic atmosphere
Guiding Principles:
1. Appreciate the policy and practice of participation and democracy at each level of the organization;2 Promotion and protection of basic Human Rights;3. Uplift communities through their empowerment; 4. Challenging the stereotypical power structures at each level of society for the enlightened and prosperous society<br />