In 2020-2021, AIDB shifted the programmatic focus to creating an enabling environment for public accountability across the province by raising public awareness and advocating for legislation on right-to information (RTI).

Project Objectives

The objectives of the project :

  •   To resizing the PAF (Public Accountability Forum) by adding the members Baluchistan bar association key members and media representative.
  • To strengthening the role of PAF (Public Accountability Forum) in awareness rising and advocacy for RTI Law adoption in Balochistan
  • To rising awareness with 200 activist of Civil Society Organizations, Media, local bodies representatives or Associations, Academia of Quetta District on the importance of TRI law in Baluchistan.
  • Liaison meetings and conducting policy dialogues, consultation workshops and meetings, signing of commitment letters with legislatives and relevant stake holder (Minister of information, secretory information, and Minister Law and Secretory law, Provincial Ombudsmen etc.)


Monthly Public Accountability Forum [PAF] Meetings:

PAF meetings are essential for successful implementation of projects, and 05 meetings were conducted to raise awareness and strengthen the Right to Information Laws in Balochistan.


Signature Campaign:

Signature Campaign was used to show solidarity with AID Balochistan and raise voice for the Right to Information Balochistan Bill. Participants from different schools of thought were voluntarily involved to promote transparency and just society.


Training of Trainers Workshop [TOT]:

AIDB organized two days training of Trainers, with the Public Accountability Forum Members consisting of presentations and discussion, to improve the Balochistan Freedom of Information Act.



Street Theaters:

Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] believes empowerment of grass root communities, for that street theaters are most effective tool of advocacy to aware masses, hence the street theater is a much direct and brief and concise expressions, our objective is to convey message on importance of Right to Information for any development and prosperous society and community.

For delivering this important task Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] selected one professional group of street performers through competitive process.

Concept of Street theater is recognized in Balochistan; various groups started contribution on social issues, in this regard The Association for Integrated Development Balochistan (AIDB) with the financial support of The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has assign task to one of Professional Street theater Group “Global Wondering Arts” to perform on Right to information.

During this reporting period 02 Street theater performances were conducted on various places of Quetta successfully, where audience appreciated the efforts of Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB]

Awareness Sessions:

05 awareness sessions were conducted throughout the year these awareness sessions were with various stakeholders from civil society, religious, women, minorities, Youth, Government officials, Children, Lawyers, tribal leaders, and PWD’s members.

Awareness sessions were conducted to raise voice and mobilize stakeholders to launch applications in public interest to Government departments.