AIDB has launched a project in Quetta, Balochistan with the financial support of NED to raise public awareness and strengthen transparency and accountability laws. The main concern is about ROBs awareness and establishment of a commission for RTI, as well as the submission of applications in different departments with the help of PAF members.



Objectives of these public awareness sessions are very much clear that to create awareness among multi stakeholders as well as among public on importance of Right to Information and its benefits. For that during this reporting period, two Public Awareness sessions carried out.


The best source of information in the contemporary world is television, which became necessity. With the funding assistance of NED, AIDB broadcast RTI awareness in Pashto and Brahe. The RTI law overview, requirements, significance, and formation of ROBs were all emphasize in the live TV program. The comparison of RTI bills of different provinces discussed.


One of the most widely used regional languages in Balochistan is Brahe. In addition to educating viewers about the RTI law, Mir Behram Khan (M&E Officer), Ms. Anum Malik Mengal (Advocacy Officer) and host Muhammad Saleem briefly discussed about RTI law. Furthermore, they talk about the challenges associated with forming commission and implementing law. During the 45-minute broadcast, participants also made live calls, and Mir Behram Khan along with Ms. Anum Malik Mengal addressed their queries.


AID Balochistan designed a short film and video documentary competition with aim to spread awareness related RTI law. In addition, to give a platform for the local artist to show cases their talent. Advertisement designed by the media team and displayed at all social media platforms. Therefore, a number of people can participate in the competition. All the participants requested to first register themselves and later send their masterpieces with in the deadline. The AID Balochistan continuously answered the quires raised from participants during the process. The jury for competition selected very carefully. So that participates should be satisfied from their results. The participants invited for screening event and they requested to bring their beloved one with them for screening. The preparation performed with great zeal for the video documentary competition.

Exposure Visit RTI Commission Punjab( Lahore):

AID Balochistan made the decision to go and learn from the Punjab RTI panel. The primary goal was to get inspiration from them for the creation of the RTI Commission in Balochistan. Whereas, to check implementation of the law too.




Advocacy and Consultation meetings Objectives ensures closely coordination with important stakeholders in order to mobilize them in support of the creation of the Right to Information Balochistan commission and the guaranteeing of the law’s execution. Five meetings conducted with the following members during the reporting period

Ms. Mahjabeen Sheran :

Ms. Mahjabeen Sheran attended a meeting to discuss the implementation of the RTI ACT and ROBS. She pledged her support for raising knowledge of RTI and assured her participation in the commission’s creation.

WATAN YAR KHILJI (EVAW/G Alliance Balochistan):

EVAW/G Alliance Balochistan is a large network with 30 members and access to regional groups. Members of AID Balochistan met with the chairperson to inform him about the RTI Law and ask for his assistance in spreading its knowledge.

TANVEER BALOCH (Deputy Director Education):

Mr. Tanveer Baloch discussed the 2021 RTI bill, ROBS, and its execution in light of reactions and student opinion. Discussions focused on the effects of creating an RTI commission versus its actual execution, and Mr. Baloch made sure the Act supported general awareness.


Mir Jabbar Baloch discussed practical concerns with respect to the application of the law, the execution process, and Balochistan’s political instability. Mr. Behram Khan agreed and made efforts to promote RTI awareness and committee formation.


A consultancy meeting was held with Mr. Azmat Ullah Achakzai (high court lawyer) and Mr. Abdul Jabbar (session and district court judge). They discussed the implementation of RTI law, explained the procedure of implementation, and shared their struggles related to RTI. Mr. Bheram Khan explained the RTI ROBS drafted by AID Balochistan and handed over to the government of Balochistan. The young and energetic lawyers assured their support for RTI commission and implementation.