This project “Advocacy Campaign for right to information in Balochistan” with the objective to raise public awareness about the right to information and strengthen advocacy for stronger transparency and accountability laws at the provincial level will build upon previous work. In 2019-20, AIDB shifted the programmatic focus to creating an enabling environment for public accountability across the province by raising public awareness and advocating for legislation on right-to information (RTI). Considering above agenda The Association for Integrated Development Balochistan (AIDB) with the financial support of The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has conducted various advocacy activities in Quetta Balochistan with Stakeholders to share project objectives and create discussion around public awareness about the right to information and strengthen advocacy for stronger transparency and accountability laws in Balochistan.

Project Launching Ceremony:

Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] conduct Opening ceremony on August 30th, 2019 in Balochistan Boys Scout Association. Project Launching Ceremony was celebrated with the participation representing all stakeholders for Right to information. Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] representatives shared project objectives and planned activities to Well-known dignities of Balochistan with the objective to get support for successful implementation of advocacy activities to help Promulgation of Right to Information Balochistan Bill.

Monthly Public Accountability Forum [PAF] Meetings:

Public Accountability Forum (PAF) meetings are essential for the implementation of projects. 12 meetings were conducted successfully, helping AIDB to raise awareness and strengthen the Right to Information Laws in Balochistan. The Pandemic of COVID 19 has had a major impact on AIDB’s planning.

Training of Trainers Workshop [TOT]:

Association for Integrated Development Balochistan [AIDB] organized two days training of Trainers on Sep 12 and 13, 2019. Training of Trainers (TOT) was conducted with the Public Accountability Forum Members. Training was consisting of Presentations, which was delivered by 5 Trainers. Mir Behram Khan Lehri (M&E Officer) facilitated the Trainers. Well known dignities have shared their point of view on Right to information laws in Country and Balochistan. Further participants were also involved in discussion, which was fruitful for identifying recommendations and suggestion for improving the Balochistan Freedom of Information act and showed keen interest for its planning.

Academic Debate Competitions:

Academic debate competitions were conducted to involve youth and educate them on the importance of Right to Information laws in Pakistan and Balochistan. 03 were conducted with normal conditions, while the last one was difficult due to COVID 19. Judges marked speeches and shields and souvenirs were distributed.

Street theaters:

The Association for Integrated Development Balochistan (AIDB) selected a professional street theater group “Global Wondering Arts” to perform on Right to Information in Quetta, with the financial support of NED. Four performances were conducted during the reporting period, which were appreciated by the audience.

Multi Stakeholder Workshops:

AIDB held two Multi Stakeholder workshops to promote the Right to Information Balochistan Bill, which is weak in Balochistan due to other provincial Governments having strong laws.

Some of the participants shared that there will need to be more departmental-level training workshops which will have to be conducted by the officers who have attended this workshop. There will also need to be district-level seminars wherein the public can be oriented and sensitized to the RTI Act.

All Party Conference:

Since COVID-19 in Pakistan, everything was disturbed, our activities were stopped and puzzled to move again. Initial 02 Months were very critical having lots of ambiguity and fear, however slowly things started settling down, so we started working and completed our activities in June, our Major activity “All Party Conference” conducted on 16th June 2020. Almost all major Political Parties Participated and showed solidarity with AID Balochistan and spoke freely on Right to Information laws in Pakistan and Issues over promulgation of Right to Information Balochistan Bill.

Representatives of All Political parties unanimously agreed for supporting AID Balochistan objective for promulgation of Right to Information Balochistan Bill and once Bill tabled in Balochistan Assembly they will favor it and presently will pressures Government for passing the bill from Provincial Cabinet.